A space to
your business & mind
and inspire growth

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If you want to get more done this year, without sacrificing your sanity, here are 8 ways to power up your productivity

Business, Mindset

January 29, 2024

Make 2024 Your Most Productive Year Yet

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Want something to motivate and inspire you? If you’re looking for ideas, here are a few of my favourite business books

Business, Mindset

January 21, 2024

5 Business Books To Add To The List

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If you’re here, you might be wondering what a business consultant does or whether it’s worth bringing one on board.


November 28, 2023

10 Reasons To Hire A Business Consultant

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One dilemma that business owners frequently face is how much to charge for their services.
If you aim high, will that put people off?
If you go low, will it cheapen your brand?
How do you strike the right balance?


November 1, 2023

How Should I Be Pricing My Services?

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It’s not just about wishing for rainbows and butterflies – positivity is about consciously shaping your thoughts and actions to bring about a brighter, more successful reality.


August 22, 2023

The Power Of Positivity

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In the ever-evolving realm of entrepreneurship, your mindset holds the key to unlocking untapped potential, conquering challenges, and propelling your business to unprecedented heights.


August 19, 2023

4 Reasons To Adopt A Growth Mindset

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We all know that building a successful business requires more than just a brilliant idea. It’s about making informed decisions. Financial forecasting


August 19, 2023

5 Ways To Use Financial Forecasting

Grab yourself a hot drink, and download my free guide for a comprehensive look at what truly paves a path to success. Find out how many of these success markers you’re already acing and where you should be channeling more of your energy. 

8 things every entrepreneur needs to do to create SUCCESS



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