I was never going to be your average accountant

Let me guess;

If talking about numbers makes you shudder and you only think about your business financials when it’s tax return time, YOU'RE NOT ALONE!

I speak to business owners every single day who have little to no understanding of the numbers that their entire business is built on.

They rely solely on their accountants to manage the money while they continue to relentlessly focus on bringing in more and more custom, working all the hours, and letting all the great stuff that comes with working for yourself stay firmly in their dreams.

But here’s the thing, throwing more money at Ads and marketing probably isn’t the answer to fixing all your growth-lack problems. I know it might seem like the obvious place to start if you want to scale your business but trust me, there’s a better, more strategic, and less chaotic path to sustainable and consistent growth - the kind that finally allows you to start doing things your way.

Your business is and always will be YOUR business.

And getting to grips with the numbers could be the key to unlocking UNSTOPPABLE GROWTH.

So let’s cut the fluff and get confident with money talk!


Your straight-talking, number-crunching, and occasionally potty-mouthed right-hand woman.

As a holistic business consultant, my roots are firmly planted in business strategy.

Because let’s be REAL here, your business is YOUR business. And if you’re serious about growth, in every sense of the word, ignoring business strategy and handing the numbers over to an accountant and waiting to see what happens at year-end WON'T CUT IT.

I’m here to simplify SCALING, guide you toward GROWTH, and give you the practical TOOLS you need to take full control of the most important (and often neglected) parts of your business.

As a business consultant and chartered accountant, trained in NLP and life coaching, I take a unique and hybrid approach to business consultancy, offering a blend of coaching and practical mentoring to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. 

I'm Taylor


Registered with  ACCA

My Journey


Travelled Australia


 Finance Director of £400mill Company


Joined the 5am Club


Launched my signature programme


It’s OK to talk about money
(And It’s OK to want money!)

Having money is more than being able to buy sports cars and fly business class. Having money gives you FREEDOM, choice, security, and independence.

Growing up without money meant that all of that good stuff was limited for me. 

It turned out that being the Finance Director of multiple multi-million-pound companies taught me a thing or two about not only how to make money and keep it but also how to grow it and, perhaps most importantly - HOW TO TALK ABOUT IT. 

I loved translating the mind-boggling language of strategy and finance into something a whole lot more comprehensible, so much so that I started mentoring finance students alongside leading my own kick-ass corporate team. 

But the truth was, I was working my socks off for somebody else when I knew that I could be making a difference to more businesses on my own terms. So, I founded my own accountancy firm, and while I loved the impact I was making on smaller businesses and their owners, I felt something was missing. I wanted to have the conversations that business owners genuinely needed to have – the ones that could make a significant difference to their business, life, and impact.

And that’s when I realised I had a knack for spotting things that my clients didn’t. Things that I knew if they truly understood for themselves, would lead to a better business, a happier life, and a greater impact. After some soul-searching and a serendipitous, perfectly timed online encounter with a business coach, I knew I had to do something different. 

And what about when I’m not knee-deep in strategy & numbers?


You’ll often find me chasing my crazy 2-year-old around the park, binge-watching Love Island (it’s true, even accountants can’t resist it), or googling magicians.

I absolutely LOVE magicians; they’re probably the best thing in the world.

I genuinely believe that if we each took a little time to proactively SHARE our KNOWLEDGE, our RESOURCES, and our EXPERIENCES with those who’d benefit most, collectively, we could make a positive impact on this world we call home.

It’s why Taylor Smith & Co is part of B1G1 (a global business giving movement on a mission to create a world full of giving).


I’ve got a confession to make 

I got kinda fed up with having conversations about whether a Nespresso machine qualifies as a tax deduction. 

As a chartered accountant, of course I had to expect tax returns a plenty, but let me tell you a secret: your business financials hold the key to unlocking immense growth.

Just ask the organisations I’ve helped go from loss-making to million-making powerhouses. 

Your strategy and financials determine which direction your business is headed in and help you see into the future so that you can better plan your world domination (or how to take the summer holidays off, guilt-free, with your kids, whichever works for you). 

Confession Time


My Values


Don't WASTE your time in anger

OPEN your arms to change

Your THOUGHTS can change your world

Be HONEST & get straight to the point

Grab yourself a hot drink, and download my free guide for a comprehensive look at what truly paves a path to success. Find out how many of these success markers you’re already acing and where you should be channeling more of your energy. 

8 things every entrepreneur needs to do to create SUCCESS



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